Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Word "Allah" Can't be Translated into Any Other Language

The kalimah (word) "Allah" is a special word and cannot be translated into any other language in the world, as it is a specific name for the Almighty to people of the Islamic faith.

When we translating "God" or "Lord" into "Allah" would be in conflict with academic values and translation precepts.

"The meaning of God in Islamic teachings is very different from the Christian perspective, as Allah in Islam is the One True God (Maha Esa). He was not born, nor has children and is not the same as human beings," this was stated in the Al-Ikhlas chapter of the Quran.

Misusing the word "Allah" would occur if it was allowed to be translated into "God" or "Lord", inviting anger and religious tension, while polytheism is a big sin in Islam.

using the word "Allah" in Malay language Bible would give rise to all kinds of suspicion, as to his knowledge, there were no Bible in the Tamil, Chinese or any other language that had translated "God" or "Lord" into "Allah".

National Fatwa Council at its 82nd Muzakarah on May 5-7, 2008, also issued an edict on the matter as provided for under the Federal Constitution.

The "kalimah Allah" issue which had now become polemic must he handled with care and should not be debated openly in the media, but discussed behind closed doors among scholars, religious experts and political leaders.

I urge Muslims in this country to defend the "Kalimah Allah" and prevent the misuse of other sacred words which had been ruled not to be used by non-Muslims.

People should take note and respect the sensitivities of each other's religion so that racial and religious harmony in this country will prevail.

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